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Masters Konġunti tal-Erasmus Mundus

Profil tal-applikant

Kwalunkwe istituzzjoni ta’ edukazzjoni għolja (HEI) stabbilita f’pajjiż eliġibbli tista’ tissottometti applikazzjoni. L-applikant japplika f’isem sħubija li tinkludi HEIs oħrajn. Il-proposta għandha tippreżenta programm ta’ studju konġunt kompletament żviluppat u akkreditat, lest biex jitmexxa u jiġi reklamat madwar id-dinja, jekk jintgħażel.

Dwar il-Masters Konġunti tal-Erasmus Mundus

Il-Masters Konġunti tal-Erasmus Mundus huma programmi ta’ studju integrati u ta’ livell għoli fil-livell ta’ master. Huma mfasslin u mwasslin minn sħubija internazzjonali ta’ istituzzjonijiet ta’ edukazzjoni għolja. EMJM jinvolvi mill-anqas tliet HEIs minn tliet pajjiżi differenti, li mill-anqas tnejn minnhom iridu jkunu Stati Membri tal-UE u pajjiżi terzi assoċjati mal-Programm (preċedentement imsejħin Pajjiżi tal-Programm).

Barra minn hekk, programm ta’ studju tal-EMJM jista’ jinvolvi sħab edukattivi u/jew mhux edukattivi oħrajn b’għarfien espert u interess speċifiċi fil-qasam tal-istudju.

L-UE tipprovdi finanzjament kemm għat-tmexxija ta’ dawn il-programmi kif ukoll għall-offerta ta’ boroż ta’ studju kompetittivi lill-aqwa studenti madwar id-dinja.

Tul ta’ żmien: 6 snin akkademiċi, li jkopru mill-anqas 4 edizzjonijiet tal-programm tal-masters

Għotja għal kull proġett: sa €5 miljun

Borża ta’ studju tal-UE għall-individwi: €1,400 fix-xahar (massimu ta’ 24 xahar)

Attivitajiet u eżiti

Il-kurrikulu integrat bis-sħiħ irid jinkludi mill-anqas 2 perjodi ta’ studju fi żewġ pajjiż (differenti mill-pajjiż ta’ residenza tal-istudenti), li mill-anqas wieħed minnhom irid ikun Stat Membru tal-UE jew pajjiż terz assoċjat mal-Programm. EMJM jirreġistra studenti eċċellenti madwar id-dinja.

Tul ta’ żmien ta’ kull edizzjoni tal-master: minn sena sa sentejn akkademiċi (60, 90 jew 120 kreditu tal-ECTS)

Tip ta’ lawrja mogħtija: lawrja konġunta (rakkomandata) jew lawrji multipli

Applikazzjonijiet u aktar informazzjoni

Erasmus Mundus fil-gwida tal-Programm Erasmus+

Tgħallem kif tapplika għall-ewwel darba

About Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are high-level and integrated study programmes, at master level. They are designed and delivered by an international partnership of higher education institutions. An EMJM involves at least three HEIs from three different countries, of which at least two must be EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme (previously called Programme Countries).

Additionally, an EMJM study programme may involve other educational and/or non-educational partners with specific expertise and interest in the area of study.

The EU provides funding for both running these programmes and offering competitive scholarships to the best students worldwide.

Duration: 6 academic years, covering at least 4 editions of the masters programme

Grant per project: up to €5 million

EU scholarship for individuals: €1,400 per month (max. 24 months)

Activities and outcomes

The fully integrated curriculum must include at least 2 study periods in 2 countries (different from the country of residence of students), of which at least one must be an EU Member States or third country associated to the Programme. An EMJM enrolls excellent students worldwide.

Duration of each edition of the master: 1 to 2 academic years (60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits).

Type of degree awarded: either a joint degree (recommended) or multiple degrees.

Applications and more information

Erasmus Mundus in the Erasmus+ Programme guide

Learn how to apply for the first time

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