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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Erasmus+ Jistagħnew il-ħajjiet, jinfetħu l-imħuħ

L-Erasmus+ il-ġdid jibda hawnhekk

Esplora l-Programm Erasmus+

Podcast: Erasmus+ revealed

Join us as we meet some of the millions of people whose lives have been transformed by Erasmus+. 'Erasmus+ revealed': a new gateway to explore the EU's most popular funding programme.

Go to the series

Erasmus+ Days

The global annual event for past, present, and future Erasmus+ participants to meet, share and celebrate.

Register your event now



Kif tieħu sehem fl-Erasmus+

L-Erasmus+ 2021-2027 hu aktar inklużiv, aktar diġitali u aktar ekoloġiku. Għandu opportunitajiet għall-etajiet kollha, u aktar għażla għall-organizzazzjonijiet.

Inizjattiva tal-Kard Ewropea tal-Istudenti

Għodod amministrattivi aktar sempliċi u aktar diġitali għall-istudenti u l-istituzzjonijiet tal-edukazzjoni għolja fuq skambji tal-Erasmus+.

Students walking in a hall