Mobility opportunities for accredited Erasmus organisations in the field of youth
Accredited organisations have the possibility to apply for funding (grant request) for youth mobility activities in a simplified way. Applications are based on the previously approved accreditation activity plan, so a detailed list and description of the planned activities is not required. Instead, the applications focus on estimating the number of activities to be implemented and number of participants involved.
The mobility activities to be implemented under this Action must follow the rules and principles laid down for each activity type in the respective sections of this Guide.
Accredited organisations commit themselves to comply with the Erasmus Youth Quality standards and deliver high quality mobility activities in the field of youth.
Accredited Youth organisations are not eligible for funding under the standard Youth Exchanges and Mobility projects for youth workers. They can however take the role of partner in those projects. Exceptionally for 2021, organisations which were awarded the accreditation after the deadline for the grant request are eligible for funding under the 2nd deadline for standard Youth Exchanges and Mobility projects for youth workers.
Eligibility criteria
The general criteria below apply for grant requests.
Who can apply?
Organisation holding a valid Erasmus Youth accreditation at the application deadline
Eligible activities
- Youth Exchanges
- Youth workers professional development activities
Additionally, the following activities can be implemented
- Preparatory visits
- System development and outreach activities (only in conjunction with youth workers professional development activities)
Description and eligibility criteria for each of these activities are defined under the relevant sections of this Guide.
Duration of project
All accredited projects will have an initial duration of 15 months. After 12 months, all beneficiaries will have the possibility to prolong their project to a total duration of 24 months.
Where to apply?
To the National Agency of the country in which the applicant organisation is established
When to apply?
Applicants have to submit their grant applications by the following dates:
- 20 February at 12:00:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting on 1 June of the same year.
How to apply?
Please see part C of this Guide for details on how to apply.
Other criteria
An accredited organisation can apply only once per call.
A declaration of honour of the legal representative must be annexed to the application form.
Budget allocation
The awarded grant amount will depend on a number of elements:
- the total budget available for allocation to accredited applicants
- the requested activities
- the minimum and maximum grant
- the following allocation criteria: financial performance, qualitative performance, policy priorities and thematic areas addressed by the activities applied for, and geographical balance (if applied by the National Agency)
Detailed rules on basic and maximum grant, scoring of the allocation criteria, weighting of each criterion, the allocation method, and the budget available for accredited projects will be published by the National Agency ahead of the call deadline.