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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives for schools and VET providers

Applicant Profile

Schools and VET providers (ISCED 1 – 4) in all Erasmus+ programme countries.

Not available for individuals.

Duration: 3 years

A Jean Monnet Learning EU initiative must be implemented for a minimum of 40 hours per school year for three consecutive years.

Maximum grant: €35,000

Help with your application

You will submit your application for funding via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal. Watch the video to see how.

What qualifies as a Jean Monnet EU Learning initiative?

Schools and VET providers should establish teaching of a specific EU based subject/s (values, history, how the EU works, cultural diversity – among others) in the classroom. Activities must be taught during the school year and may include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities.

Providers may create learning experiences themselves or with the support of higher education institutions or other relevant organisations (NGOs, Associations, etc).

Expected outcomes

As a result of an initiative, schools and VET providers should be able to

  • empower teachers to teach about the EU using engaging methods and to bring facts and knowledge about the European Union to their learners
  • improve learning outcomes on EU matters
  • strengthen EU literacy
  • create interest in the European Union and constitute a basis to enhance participation of pupils and students in the democratic process and leave them better equipped to become active citizens

Application process

For more information about the application process, please visit

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