About the opportunity
Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth. The action aims to
- raise the capacity of organisations working with young people outside formal learning
- promote non-formal learning activities in non-EU countries not associated to the Programme, especially targeting young people with fewer opportunities, to improve the level of competences and encourage young people’s participation in society
- support youth work in non-EU countries not associated to the Programme, improving its quality and recognition
- support new non-formal learning mobility schemes in non-EU countries not associated to the Programme
- contribute to the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027)
- close gaps with formal education systems and/or the labour market
Who can apply
The following types of organisation can apply as coordinator.
- NGOs (including European Youth NGOs and national Youth Councils) working in the field of youth
- local, regional or national public authorities
These apply on behalf of all participating organisations.
Other participants
Any organisation, public or private, with its affiliated entities (if any), working with or for young people outside formal settings established in an Erasmus+ Programme or Partner country can participate.
Examples include
- non-profit organisations, associations, NGOs (including European Youth NGOs)
- national Youth Councils
- public authorities at local, regional or national level
- education or research institutions
- foundations
While capacity building projects are targeted to these types of non-profit organisations, public or private companies may be included. Examples are small, medium or large enterprises, including social enterprises. However a clear added value must be demonstrated. In a capacity building objective, coordination tasks must be limited to non-profit organisations.
1, 2 or 3 years. This must be chosen at application stage, based on the objective of the project and on the type of activities foreseen over time.
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Find out more
Read more details in the section on capacity building in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.