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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Coronavirus - questions raised by Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps beneficiary organisations

The information below sets out answers to the most common questions posed by beneficiary organisations.

See more on the impact of coronavirus and the European Commission's response

Many Erasmus+ higher education students fear that their study period abroad will not be recognised. What help can be given to them to help them cope with this situation?

Higher education institutions are asked to be as flexible and pragmatic as possible to help students achieve the outcomes indicated in their learning agreements, regardless of the students’ geographical location. For example, through remote studying arrangements with the use of digital tools.

This flexibility will in particular help students who have returned to their home countries to finish their courses at their host institution and to have European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits obtained through remote studying arrangements fully recognised.

When the borders started closing, one of our participants had to buy an extra flight ticket to get home early, as the airline did not agree to change her original date of return. Can we cover these additional or exceptional costs with Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps funds?

Yes, you can consider these costs as “eligible” as long as the overall budget for your project covered by the grant agreement in question is not exceeded.

If you are subject to a later audit, you might need to provide proof of the need to reimburse these additional costs.

Due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to cover some exceptional costs for a participant with a disability, who needed help for a longer period of time. Are these eligible costs?

Yes, you can consider these costs as “eligible” as long as the overall budget for your project covered by the grant agreement in question is not exceeded.

If you are subject to a later audit, you might need to provide proof of the need to reimburse these additional costs.

I wanted to apply to take part in a project for which the deadline was approaching. But I cannot contact my partners in other countries because their offices are closed. Can the Commission postpone the application deadline?

The Commission has extended the deadline for applications for a number of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps calls for proposals.

Please contact your National Agency as some administrative procedures regarding the submission of application forms will be simplified.

I work on coordinating Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects and the organisational support pays my wages, and that of my colleagues. Given the cancellation of many of the activities, can we still be sure that we can keep the operational support we were counting on?

For those cases set out above, where the individual participants are eligible to receive or retain the individual support grant, yes, you will be entitled to receive Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps organisational support.

Even in cases where the Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps activities are cancelled, you are entitled to receive the organisational support.

This approach takes into account the rent of premises costs of preparation and follow up of participants prior to the departure as well as the tasks you are carrying out to support the participants in managing the exceptional nature of the Covid-19 pandemic (cancellations, contacts with host partners, counselling, etc.)

I am a project coordinator and have had to suspend the project. Do I get to keep the project management grant? Can I ask to prolong my project to complete the activities later on?

Beneficiaries of strategic partnerships or solidarity projects can opt to temporarily suspend their project, ask for an extension of the project duration and carry out the planned activities once the restrictions in place in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted.

In this case, the project management grant will be calculated based on the new project duration, excluding the suspension, but cannot exceed the total agreed grant amount.

I am a project coordinator. I had to cancel activities but already incurred expenses that I will not get back (rental of room, accommodation for participants etc.). Will these costs be covered?

Please contact the National Agency in your country.

In the cases where the Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps activities are cancelled and organisations have incurred costs that cannot be reimbursed, they will have the possibility to have those costs covered.

I want to complete a grant agreement for a project, but am unable to obtain the physical signature of my boss who should sign it. Is a scanned copy enough?

Please contact the National Agency in your country.

Given the current exceptional circumstances, the National Agency may agree to temporarily accept exchanges of scanned and signed copies of grant agreements.

However, this will have to be validated by a formal exchange of physical signatures once the restrictions in place in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted.

I am a project coordinator at a Higher Education Institution / VET institution. We are implementing blended mobility activities. Will we receive organisational support?

Yes, the beneficiary organisations will receive the full unit cost for organisational support per participant for both, virtual and physical mobility periods.

I am a project coordinator at a Higher Education institution/ VET institution/ Youth project. We are implementing blended mobility activities. What happens if physical mobility activities cannot be implemented as planned due to unforeseen new COVID-19 situations?

Blended mobility would start with a period of virtual learning and/or activities, and would continue with a period of physical mobility abroad if and when the situation allows for it.

In case of new unforeseen COVID-19 situations, rendering the physical mobility abroad impossible, the duration of the physical mobility period can be reduced or cancelled and be replaced by an extension of the virtual mobility period.

Similar to the situation during the first outbreak, costs already incurred can be covered if a case of “force majeure” is confirmed.

I am a youth project coordinator. We are implementing blended mobility activities. Will we receive organisational support?

Yes, for the periods of virtual activity, the beneficiary organisations will receive 35% of the full unit cost for organisational support per day per participant (i.e. covering the part of the unit cost affected to the organisation of the activity).

For the periods of physical mobility, beneficiary organisation will receive the full unit cost for organisational support per day per participant.

They will also receive grants for travel costs.

I am a project coordinator at a Higher Education institution / VET institution / Youth project. Can we cover the costs of equipment and/or services needed for the implementation of virtual and blended mobility activities?

Yes, costs related to buying and / or renting of equipment and / or services necessary for the implementation of virtual and blended mobility activities may be considered eligible due the exceptional context created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your National Agency may authorise such duly documented and justified purchases if considered essential to enable the implementation of the project and the appropriate participation of the target groups involved.

The support provided generally should not exceed the duration of the project and should not cover normal office equipment or equipment normally used by the participating organisations outside the scope of the project.

I am a project coordinator at a Higher Education institution/ VET institution/ Youth project. Can we cover the costs needed to allow participants with special needs taking part in virtual activities?

Yes, special needs support for the participation in virtual activities may be considered eligible, under the same rules as specified in the Programme Guide.

The claim for special needs support must be duly justified and documented by the beneficiary organisation and approved by your National Agency.


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