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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

This guide is a detailed technical description of the Erasmus+ programme. It is mainly intended for organisations applying for funding.

If you are looking for a quicker overview, please read how to take part.

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Learning mobility in the field of Youth

This section of the Programme Guide presents the Key Action 1 actions in the field of Youth. These actions provide non-formal and informal learning opportunities for young people and youth workers.

Non-formal and informal learning enable young people to acquire essential competences that contribute to their personal and socio-educational development and foster their active participation in society, thereby improving their employment prospects.

Through their participation in learning mobility activities, youth workers develop skills relevant for their professional development, foster new organisational practices and raise quality of youth work in general.

Learning activities within the youth field are meant to have a significantly positive impact on young people as well as on the organisations involved, the communities in which these activities take place, the youth field itself and the European economic and societal sectors at large. The following Actions are supported:

  • Mobility of young people - Youth exchanges
  • Mobility projects for youth workers
  • Youth participation activities
  • DiscoverEU Inclusion Action

How to access these opportunities?

There are two ways to apply for funding:

  • Standard projects provide applicant organisations and informal groups of young people with an opportunity to implement one or several youth activities over a period of three to 24 months. Standard projects are the best choice for organisations trying Erasmus+ for the first time, for those that wish to organise a one off project and/ or a limited number of activities.
  • Accredited projects are open only to organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation in the field of youth. This special funding strand allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their accreditation plan.

Organisations that want to organise mobility activities on a regular basis may apply for an Erasmus accreditation. To find out more about the accreditations, please read the chapter of this guide on Erasmus accreditation in the field of youth.

In addition, organisations and informal groups of young people can join the Programme without submitting an application by joining a project as a partner.

Tagged in:  Youth