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Jean Monnet Chairs

What is the aim?

Jean Monnet Chairs are designed to:

  • deepen teaching in EU studies embodied in the official curriculum of a higher education institution
  • provide in-depth teaching on EU matters in areas increasingly in demand in the labour market.

Jean Monnet Chairs are also encouraged to provide open educational resources and involve open education activities in their work to increase the flexibility and accessibility of learning.

What is the opportunity?

Erasmus+ offers the opportunity for higher education institutions (HEIs) to host a teaching post with a specialisation in EU studies for university professors.

Participating HEIs are expected to support the Chair holder in their teaching, research, and reflection activities, allowing a wide range of curricula to benefit from the courses.

How does it work?

An organisation intending to apply for a permanent staff member must be a HEI established anywhere in the world. If the HEI is from a Programme Country, it must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). 

Those in Partner countries do not require an ECHE. This opportunity is not available for individuals.

A Jean Monnet Chair must last for three years, and must have a minimum duration of 90 teaching hours per academic year in the field of European Union Studies at the applicant Higher Education Institution by the Chairholder.

A Chair must also carry out at least one additional activity per academic year.

The 90 hours include group lectures, seminars, and tutorials, including in a distance format, but not individual instruction.

A Chair-holder must be a permanent member of staff at the applicant institution with the rank of "Professor"; they may not be a visiting Professor at the time of the application.

The maximum grant per Chair is 50,000 Euros (representing maximum 75% of the total cost of the teaching programme or course).

What else should you know?

If a Chair holder needs to be replaced, a written request must be sent to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, and the proposed replacement must have the same level of specialisation as the outgoing Chair.

Related calls

Find out more

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is the main source of information on Jean Monnet Chairs, although more information on the application process is available from European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

For further information you can contact the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, or you can contact the European Commission.

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