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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

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Not-for-profit European Sport Events

About the opportunity

Erasmus+ offers support to organise not-for-profit European sport events which have a European dimension. Opportunities are provided in the fields of

  • volunteering in sport
  • social inclusion through sport
  • fight against discrimination in sport, including gender equality
  • encouraging participation in sport and physical activity

Activities covered

  • preparation and organisation of the event
  • organisation of educational activities for athletes, coaches, organisers and volunteers in the run-up to the event
  • organisation of side-activities to the sporting event (conferences, seminars)
  • training of volunteers
  • implementation of legacy activities (evaluations, drafting of future plans)
  • communication activities linked to the topic of the event

Types of events

Not-for-profit European sport events can take place either in one single country with participants from other countries (Europe-wide events) or have one event per participating country (European-local events).

The options available are the following not-for profit European Sport events

  • European-local event Type I: from a minimum of 3 organisations coming from 3 different Programme Countries to a maximum of 5 organisations coming from 5 different Programme Countries
  • European-local event Type II: a minimum of 6 organisations coming from 6 different Programme Countries
  • European-wide events: one event with at least 10 participating organisations from at least 10 Programme countries (including the applicant organisation)

Who can apply

The application must be submitted by an organisation from a Programme Country. Applicants can be any public body or organisation, with its affiliated entities (if any), active in the field of sport.

Example organisations

  • public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level
  • sport organisation at local, regional, national, European or international level
  • National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation
  • organisation representing the 'sport for all' movement
  • organisation active in the field of physical activity promotion
  • organisation representing the active leisure sector
  • organisation active in the field of education, training or youth

What else you should know

You will need to choose the duration of your project when you are making your application. This can be 12 or 18 months, based on the objective of the project and on the type of activities foreseen over time.

The following sport events are not supported under this action:

Sport competitions organised by national, European or international sport federations/associations/leagues on a regular basis (National, European or World Championships) unless the financial support is requested for the organisation of side activities targeting large population.

Find out more

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is the main source of information on not-for profit European sport events. The Programme Guide contains all information about the priorities, award criteria, funding rules and more.

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