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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Networking and training for youth workers


Erasmus+ supports the professional development of youth workers through training or networking periods abroad.

Periods abroad can consist of training courses, study visits, job shadowing or observation periods at relevant organisations and more.


Youth workers' mobility must last a between 2 days and 2 months. This excludes travelling time.


To go abroad with Erasmus+ as a youth worker, your organisation must be part of a youth mobility project with another institution or organisation.

Financial support

The EU grant supports travel as well as practical and activity related costs.

How to apply

You cannot apply for a grant as an individual. Applications must be made by organisations who in turn involve youth workers in the project.

Find out more

Ask within your youth organisation to find out if this opportunity is available to you.

The Erasmus+ Programme Guide also offers detailed information on these opportunities:

  • Consult Section B for award criteria, eligibility criteria, and funding rules

The National Agencies can help with queries and applications, and you can contact the European Commission through Europe Direct.

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