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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport


DiscoverEU gives 18-year old citizens the opportunity to discover Europe through learning experiences. Travelling mainly by rail (there are exceptions for those living on islands or in remote areas), you will explore Europe’s stunning landscapes and its variety of cities, towns and cities.

Inclusion Action

Specific funding is available as part of the DiscoverEU action for young people with fewer opportunities to explore Europe. They can receive extra support to overcome obstacles to applying and travelling.

This action aims to reach out and include those who would not normally apply on their own initiative.

Read the detailed project assessment criteria and application process

DiscoverEU Learning Cycle

From 2022, Erasmus+ National Agencies, with whom the EU works to bring the Erasmus+ programme closer to participants, organise activities which strengthen the educational aspect of DiscoverEU.

These include preparing pre-departure information packs and/or meetings, meetups for participants across Europe, and coordination sessions with multiplier organisations such as schools, youth groups or local municipalities.

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