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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport



These opportunities are open to people currently in education and recent graduates. Traineeships can be carried out in any relevant organisation.

Higher education students and recent graduates

Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc.) abroad in Programme or Partner countries for students enrolled in higher education institutions in Programme countries. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.

Traineeships for university students and recent graduates

Vocational education and training students, apprentices and recent graduates

Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements) for students enrolled in vocational education and training (VET). These opportunities are also open to company-based apprentices and to recent VET graduates.

Traineeships for VET students and recent graduates

Why apply?

Erasmus+ can help you gain valuable work experience by supporting traineeships (work placements, internships etc) abroad.

The cultural understanding and language skills you learn from working in another country can make it easier to find a job after your studies.

Furthermore, working in a relevant organisation opens up perspectives on your studies that seminars and workshops may not provide.

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