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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Opportunities from outside the EU

Organisations from countries outside the EU can take part in selected actions of the Erasmus+ programme. In the context of Erasmus+, these countries are referred to as "non-associated third countries (Partner Countries)".

Quick explainer

Posamezniki iz Islandije, Lihtenštajna, Severne Makedonije, Norveške, Srbije in Turčije se lahko udeležijo večine izmenjav, saj so te države, ki niso članice EU, pridružene programu Erasmus+.

Nekatere možnosti, denimo skupni magistrski študij Erasmus Mundus, mednarodna različica sheme za izmenjavo študentov in osebja (če zadevna univerza sodeluje v programu) in mladinske izmenjave, so na voljo tudi državljanom in državljankam iz drugih držav, ki niso članice EU.

Pogoji za udeležbo se razlikujejo, zato je dobro preveriti informacije na spletnih straneh z možnostmi.

Program Erasmus+ je dejaven v dveh vrstah držav.

Države članice EU in tretje države, pridružene programu

Te države lahko v celoti sodelujejo v vseh ukrepih programa Erasmus+. Med njimi so vse države EU, članice Evropskega združenja za prosto trgovino (EFTA), države kandidatke za članstvo v EU in druge. Prej so se imenovale države programa.

Tretje države, ki niso pridružene programu

Te države lahko sodelujejo v nekaterih ukrepih Erasmus+. Veliko jih je in so na vseh koncih sveta. Prej so se imenovale partnerske države.

Celoten seznam upravičenih držav

These descriptions determine the countries in which Erasmus+ activities may take place, and which type of activities are possible.

EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme

These can fully take part in all the actions of the Erasmus+ Programme. They include all EU countries, members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), candidate EU countries and others.

Third countries not associated to the Programme

These can take part in certain Erasmus+ actions. There are many of these, spanning the globe.

Searching for a project partner

Please note that applications need to be led by an organisation established in a programme country. As an organisation from outside the EU, you will therefore first need to search for a potential partner for your project. One way to do this is to search for a partner in the EU’s Participant Register.

Individual applicants

If you’re looking to apply for Erasmus+ on your own, you will most probably need to do this through an organisation taking part in the programme. Examples are higher education institutions, youth organisations, associations and NGOs.

To find out how to apply, you can check with your organisation, read more on taking part, or reach out to a National Erasmus+ office.