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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Erasmus+ bogati življenja in širi obzorja.

Novi program Erasmus+ se začne tukaj

Spoznajte program Erasmus+

Podcast: Erasmus+ revealed

Join us as we meet some of the millions of people whose lives have been transformed by Erasmus+. 'Erasmus+ revealed': a new gateway to explore the EU's most popular funding programme.

Go to the series

Erasmus+ Days

The global annual event for past, present, and future Erasmus+ participants to meet, share and celebrate.

Register your event now



Kako sodelovati v programu Erasmus+

Erasmus+ za obdobje 2021–2027 je bolj vključujoč in digitalen ter okolju prijaznejši. Priložnosti ponuja vsem generacijam, organizacijam pa je na voljo več izbire.

Pobuda za evropsko študentsko izkaznico

Enostavnejši administrativni postopki in dodatna digitalna orodja za študente in visokošolske institucije, ki sodelujejo v izmenjavah v okviru programa Erasmus+.

Students walking in a hall