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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Publicerades:  5 Dec 2023

5 things you need to know about the new Erasmus+ call 2024

With the call for proposals now open, let's delve into what’s new for Erasmus+ funding in 2024.

A collage of young people in class and travelling by train

Since it was established 36 years ago, the Erasmus+ programme has supported 14 million people in various education, training, youth and sport mobility activities.

In 2024 Erasmus+ continues to expand, bringing positive change to diverse sectors and landscapes. It will continue to offer transnational experiences to school pupils, higher education and vocational education and training students, as well as opportunities to adult learners, educators and staff, and young people in non-formal learning programmes.

Higher grant level support on mobility

To counter the effects of inflation and ensure broader participation, the programme will raise mobility grant levels.

With mobility always a core feature of Erasmus+, the programme will offer participants a higher level of grant support in mobility as of 2024. This comes in the context of inflation and escalating price levels that have affected participants and the programme’s implementation.

Stronger incentive for green travel

Sustainable travel will become the default option in 2024, and the programme will offer stronger incentives for those who travel in a sustainable way.

Participants will be encouraged to prioritise green travel as their first choice when planning their trip.

There’s also increased support for non-green travel compared to the previous call. This is put in place to ensure that participants living in remote areas, islands or with insufficient rail networks are not excluded from these improvements.

Finally, there is a boost to individual support for intra-European higher education student mobility. This will come through extended travel contributions in most countries.

For information on whether extended travel contributions will be available in your country in 2024, please get in touch with your National Agency.

Embracing EU values

More than ever in 2024, the programme will align with European values.

The new call further emphasises that Programme beneficiaries and the activities must respect the EU values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, in full compliance with the values and rights enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Continued support for Ukraine

Erasmus+ remains committed to supporting Ukraine.

Erasmus+ will continue to facilitate support to Ukraine through initiatives addressing the big educational challenges faced by those affected by the war, such as encouraging incoming learning mobility, fighting against disinformation, or promoting the integration of refugees.

An annual budget of €4.3 billion to support mobility and cooperation

Erasmus+ will continue to offer even more opportunities for mobility and cooperation activities in all its fields.

Reaching its mid-way point through the 2021-2027 cycle, the Erasmus+ programme also continues to play a key role in supporting its four overarching priorities: inclusion and diversity, active citizenship and democratic participation, green and digital transitions, in the EU and beyond.

How to apply

The Erasmus+ call for proposal was opened on 28 November, for capacity building projects, partnerships for innovation, civil society cooperation, and many more opportunities the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

Publicerades:  5 Dec 2023

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