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Uverejnené:  31 May 2024

Accessing services with the European Student Card – a student perspective

The second European Student Card (ESC) Business Needs Forum session highlighted an interest in increasing the number of cards across institutions, and a preference for both physical and digital versions being available to students.


Second Business Needs forum with student representatives

A key element of the European Student Card governance model, the Business Needs Forum is designed to consult the ESC community on ESC deployment and ensure their needs are considered in future developments.

The second session of the Business Needs Forum was held on 9 April 2024, with student representatives from 8 different countries. Participants were contacted via members of the ESC governance structure, including the European Universities alliances, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), and European Student Unions (ESUs).

The session’s aim was to bring students and higher education institutions together to discuss how students access on- and off-campus services through student cards.

Participants also provided input on the obstacles encountered and potential improvements.

Main discoveries

  • most participants had already heard about the ESC and were interested in seeing an increase in the integration of European Student Cards across institutions to facilitate mobility and studying abroad  
  • a majority also preferred having both physical and digital student cards because it is more convenient to use them interchangeably (e.g., in case of a lack of internet connection or battery, or to have the digital card as a backup if they leave their physical card at home)
  • participants expect the ESC to provide them with access to the same student discounts and services during mobility as local students - including campus facilities, on- and off-campus library services, along with discounts and promotions


Upcoming sessions

The first Technical Development Forum will be organised later this year with IT representatives from European Universities alliances and IT organisations. Stay tuned!


How the ESC addresses its business needs


If you have any questions about the European Student Card or its governance structure, please check the help and support pages.


Tagged in:  European Student Card Initiative
Uverejnené:  31 May 2024

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