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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Erasmus+ Goes Digital webinar

A new Erasmus+ Goes Digital webinar focuses on the practical implementation of Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) and how the EWP Champions approach it.

23 November 2023


This session targeted all Erasmus Without Paper users, regardless how they are connected to the EWP network. It introduced the state of play of digital learning agreements, inter-institutional agreements, and the European Student Identifier.

The session had a strong focus on the practical steps colleagues can take to implement EWP and the ESI in their institutions and EWP Champions shared their practical experiences.

It was organised by the EWP+ Consortium.

Image from

Missed the session?

Participants joined DG EAC colleagues and EWP+ experts online to ask them questions and get quick practical feedback.

You can download the presentation below.


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The event was also livestreamed on YouTube.

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