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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Capacity Building Youth Call 2024 - List of selected projects with partner names (A - H)

Note that final decision on these proposals is subject to the completion of the grant award procedure in line with the timeline indicated in the call for proposals and will be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP).

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency may, until such time as the agreement is signed, either abandon or cancel the procedure without this entitling the applicants on this list to any compensation.


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This page lists projects A-H. They are displayed alphabetically by project acronym.

Please note that the abstracts are provided by the projects themselves.

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Be Festive

Full title: Exploring Mediterranean Festivities for Cultural Exchange and Youth Empowerment

Proposal number: 101181688

Proposal abstract

The proposed project is a collaborative effort involving organizations from Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey. The overarching goal is to promote youth empowerment, cross-cultural exchange, and community engagement through the exploration of traditional festivities and cultural heritage.

Key project activities include in-depth research on Mediterranean festivities, the creation of an online interactive map to showcase cultural richness, and the development of an Educational Toolkit titled "Learning with Heritage." This toolkit aims to integrate cultural heritage, tradition, and contemporary issues, serving as a resource to empower youth workers and engage young participants.

The initiative further involves hosting international and local training sessions for youth workers, emphasizing cross-cultural exchange and the significance of traditional festivities. Additionally, Festival Immersion Programs will be conducted for both youth workers and participants, providing hands-on experiences.

To amplify the project's impact, dissemination efforts will include the development of materials such as a documentary series. This multifaceted approach ensures a comprehensive and enriching experience for youth across the participating countries.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerTurkeyThird countries associated to the ProgrammePuhu Research and Consultancy Ltd.
PartnerEgyptSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY INSTITUTE
PartnerItalyEU Member StateTDM 2000
PartnerJordanSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)JORDAN YOUTH INNOVATION FORUM SOCIETY

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Full title: Capacity building in the field of international non-formal learning mobility

Proposal number: 101186130

Proposal abstract

The proposed project aims to boost the capacity of local youth organizations in both the EU (Czech Republic and Slovakia) and East Neighborhood countries (Georgia and Armenia) to engage with young social impact entrepreneurs on an international scale. By providing these organizations with the necessary skills and resources to design and implement cross-border non-formal learning mobility projects, the initiative seeks to achieve multiple objectives: enhancing youth employability, fostering innovation and sustainability skills, and promoting resilient leadership among young people.

Aligned with the overarching goals of the call, the project focuses on promoting international cooperation and building partnerships among organizations dedicated to equipping youth with the skills and knowledge necessary for active societal participation. By strengthening the capacity of youth organizations to collaborate internationally, the project aims to elevate the quality of non-formal learning activities, thereby facilitating expanded skills development, increased access to opportunities, and greater social inclusion, particularly among youth in the East Neighborhood.

Utilizing experiential learning methodologies and a diverse range of online and offline activities, the project will facilitate skill development and knowledge exchange among participants. Through the dissemination of project outputs, such as a comprehensive Handbook for youth organizations on building international non-formal learning activities and raising awareness about the impact of cross-border learning mobility, the initiative seeks to ensure the sustainability and scalability of its outcomes beyond the project's duration. In doing so, the project directly contributes to EU policies in the field of youth, promoting international cooperation and empowering young people to become drivers of positive social change on a global scale.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
AffiliatedGermanyEU Member StateSocial Impact Award Deutschland gGmbH
PartnerSlovakiaEU Member StateKOLABO
PartnerCzechiaEU Member StateHUB FOR CHANGE SPOLEK
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)JSC TBILISI HUB

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Full title: CivicArt: Capacity-Building for Art-Based Civic Education

Proposal number: 101184018

Proposal abstract

CivicArt project is designed to strengthen the capacity of youth organizations in Ukraine and Georgia to deliver high-quality, innovative, and artistically enriched cross-sectoral civic education activities for young people, both online and offline, based on European best practices.

The project objectives are: 1) enriching methodologies for non-formal civic education through art; 2) enhancing the relevant competencies of 26 youth workers from Ukraine and Georgia; 3) fostering cooperation among youth NGOs, artistic unions, and formal education institutions, 4) expanding partners' networks; and 5) ensuring the multiplier effect of project activities through dissemination of innovative educational materials to 5,000 stakeholders across various sectors and countries.

The project is divided into three stages: Stage 1 involves analysing and documenting best practices for civic education through art, tailored to Ukrainian and Georgian contexts; Stage 2 focuses on reinforcing the capacity of partners to develop and use modern non-formal educational tools, including creating a Methodological Guide and training course; and Stage 3 strengthens engagement with stakeholders through local activities enriched by artistic practices, social media campaign, and the establishment of the international cross-sectoral CivicArt Alliance network.

The deliverables include the Collection of European best practices on art-based civic education, the Methodology Guide, a set of 50 digital artworks created within the social media campaign, and 4 promotional and educational videos about art-based civic education. By building the capacities of youth workers and formalizing the international cross-sectoral CivicArt Alliance, the project aims to enhance and sustain the quality of youth work for art-based civic education, leading to fostering youth participation and engagement.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorUkraineNeighbourhood East (Region 2)REHIONALNYJ BLAHODIJNYJ FOND REZONANS
PartnerGermanyEU Member StateKulturNest e.V
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Gergart

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Countryside Studio

Full title: Countryside studio - rural youth empowerment and heritage promotion

Proposal number: 101184214

Proposal abstract

The main objective is a creation, testing and expansion of a methodology of rural youth work through the launch of the regional networks of Youth Folklore Clubs in the countryside communities that aim to empower and engage youngsters and local partners from the rural area around the process of amateur media production on the topic of the local cultural heritage. Participating organizations increase their capacities by merging their rural programs with the activities of the created Youth Folklore Clubs networks.

The project is divided into four stages that start (1) from development of regional networks in Ukraine and Moldova and recruitment of youth with fewer opportunities from the countryside who on the latter stage (2) will be trained and empowered as effective youth workers with thematic technical skills of media production by the consortium partners in Poland and Lithuania. Next (3), these already youth leaders under the guidance of partner organizations launch the Youth Folklore Clubs which start producing media outputs on the topics of local heritage and folklore often in partnership with entities from the creative sector. The Youth Folklore Clubs present their outputs through various means  with an aim to mainstream their production and create an added impact of rural cultural heritage revival/preservation among the general population. The final stage (4) is dedicated to exploiting the project results and replicating the tested methodology further by expanding the Countryside Studio, engaging new partners (strategic cooperation with the local authorities will be one of the priorities) and preparing self-sustainability of local actions of the Folklore Clubs.

We believe our project proposal attains several objectives of the program as it presents and tests an innovative methodology for rural-based youth NGOs affecting youths with fewer opportunities in the countryside which enhances their employability, especially by growing their media literacy skills.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerLithuaniaEU Member StateINOVATORIU SLENIS
PartnerMoldova (Republic of)Neighbourhood East (Region 2)INSTITUTUL DE INSTRUIRE IN DEZVOLTARE MILLENIUM

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Full title: Pathway to Digitalisation

Proposal number: 101185800

Proposal abstract

DigiPATHWAY aims to develop the practical, structural, and organisational capacity of SMED youth organisations in the area of Digital and Technological Literacy (DTL) in order to design and deliver effective and high-quality DTL learning and training activities for the local youth people to increase their employability through acquiring highly in-demand technological and digital competences that are crucial in today's job market.

According to the Future of Jobs Report of the World Economic Forum (May, 2023), Technological Literacy was placed as the 6th most in-demand skill in 2023 and projected it to rise to 3rd place by 2027. Hence, with our DigiPATHWAY project starting in 2025, we aim to be ahead of the curve and develop the DTL capacity of youth organisations to prepare youth to meet the evolving challenges and demands of the future labour market. While achieving this goal increases the employability of youth, it also supports overcoming skills mismatches and labour market lack of qualified young talents.

The project specifically targets marginalized youth, particularly those in rural and hard-to-reach areas, who face greater challenges in accessing quality education and training opportunities. By focusing on the development of digital and technological skills, this initiative is especially beneficial for these young individuals. With these skills, they gain the capability to work remotely, eliminating the need for relocation to urban areas.

This aspect is crucial, as many in this target group are unable to move to cities due to financial constraints and family obligations, such as caring for elderly relatives. Also, this group has the highest rate of early dropouts from schools. Hence, by providing rural youth between 16 and 26 years old with the tools and knowledge to participate in the digital economy from their current locations, we help them overcome geographical and socio-economic barriers, opening up new avenues for employment and personal growth.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerAlgeriaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)INNOVATRIX ACADEMY
PartnerTunisiaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)YOUTH AMBASSADORS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT

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Full title: DoYou(th)

Proposal number: 101184108

Proposal abstract

4 CSOs working with youth in Western Balkan region (Kosovo*, Albania, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina) face multiple crises. We, with support of partner organizations from the EU, MasterPeace (MP) (NL) and Growunited (GER), need to develop new ways to engage, connect, and empower youngsters. The overall needs overview matches with our main objective “to boost the competence, capacity, and recognition of CSOs in a transnational coalition of CSOs by jointly learning, evaluating, upgrading, and implementing innovative NFE formats that support our ambition to engage, connect, and empower youngsters (especially young women and minority groups in remote areas) outside formal learning.

Main outputs/ products/ events:

  • 6 online trainings raising capacity; 12 Youth Workers’ Passion Plans; 4 CSO strategies; 2 NFE materials
  • 6 online trainings on 21st century skills related to EU values; 1 NFE material
  • 3 Thematic upgraded NFE Methodologies (Artivism, Doughnut Economy and Social Entrepreneurship in 5 languages); 16 Youth workers from Associated CSOs trained by our 12 Youth Workers
  • 28 trained Youth Workers guide 20 projects, resulting in 20 podcasts and 20 videos by 140 youngsters (70% female; 40% from minority background)
  • 1 transnational online Social Entrepreneurship challenge with 30 attendees from our region
  • 4 local Brain Gain Summits, each with 30 stakeholders; 4 MOUs signed
  • 1 MP Global Innovation Factory Challenge; 15 global CSOs attend
  • 2 MP EU capacity building boot camps with 40 representatives from 15 EU countries plus region 1
  • 7 webinars “taking the stage” meeting hundreds of youth workers during prestigious global online meetings; 7 reports on upgrading the CSOs strategy
  • 3 global surveys on the needs of CSOs and Youth Workers
  • 26 stories will be published and reach youth workers in and outside the consortium
  • 2 M&E reports
  • 20 CSOs request for information.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorKosovo * UN resolutionWestern Balkans (Region 1)CENTER FOR COUNSELING SOCIAL SERVICES AND RESEARCH
PartnerBosnia and HerzegovinaWestern Balkans (Region 1)Institute for Population and Development
PartnerGermanyEU Member StateGROWUNITED
PartnerNetherlandsEU Member StateSTICHTING MASTERPEACE
PartnerSerbiaThird countries associated to the ProgrammeCENTAR ZA OMLADINSKI RAD UDRUZENJE
PartnerAlbaniaWestern Balkans (Region 1)ACT FOR SOCIETY CENTRE

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Full title: Digital Platform of Knowledge and Skills Development for Youth Working with Child Migrants and Refugees at European Level

Proposal number: 101183623

Proposal abstract

The war that has been going on in Ukraine since 2022 has become one of the main factors in the humanitarian catastrophe, as a result of which a large number of children, adolescents and young people are forced to seek refuge in safe territories of Ukraine and in European countries.

The goal of the project is to develop a DP5YOU digital platform aimed at training youth workers who will work with migrant children and refugees. Five organizations that already have practical experience will be involved in the implementation. As part of our project, we intend to implement a number of important activities and actions to achieve our goals: trainings, round tables, recreational and sports events.

The project methodology will be based on an integrated approach to the development and training of youth workers to work with displaced and refugee children. As part of the project, we envisage: planning and development of each event with the definition of goals and objectives; attraction of partners; Reporting and evaluation. One of the main results of the project is the training of youth workers who will gain new knowledge and skills in working with displaced and refugee children, as well as with internally displaced persons.

The long-term perspective of our project envisages sustainable strengthening of work with target groups, raising professional standards among youth workers and organizations, as well as integration into the educational and cultural space. The target groups that benefit from the project include government agencies, academics, and NGOs working with children and youth and vulnerable groups, and the project will be based on youth workers, teachers, social workers and volunteers working with migrant children and refugees (total number of 800 participants).


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorUkraineNeighbourhood East (Region 2)YOUTH. SCIENCE. SPORTS. HEALTHY MOVEMENT OF UKRAINE
PartnerMoldova (Republic of)Neighbourhood East (Region 2)Agentia Nationala pentru Dezvoltarea Programelor si Activitatii de Tineret
PartnerUkraineNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
PartnerMoldova (Republic of)Neighbourhood East (Region 2)INSTITUTUL DE INSTRUIRE IN DEZVOLTARE MILLENIUM

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Full title: Educational Leadership Institute - Training Engagers

Proposal number: 101184369

Proposal abstract

The pandemic, followed by the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, have caused a profound change in the discourse patterns and social behavior of youth in Eastern Europe and in nearby countries. While there has been an increase in expressions of pluralism and social action, there has been a concerning rise in expressions of seclusion, isolationism, and extreme social and political positions. It is the latter on which this project will focus, specifically the:

  • Advancement of social and intercultural competencies through international forums for young people from traditionally conservative countries in the Caucasus and those living in Eastern Europe
  • Establishment of mutual dialogue between the young people from Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine and the Baltics, who experience a highly articulated nationalistic discourse in their countries resulting from the conflict with Russia on the one hand, and young people from the Caucasus region, who deal with a surge of refuges and other newly arrived migrants, mainly from Russia, resulting from the Russian- Ukrainian war
  • Development of educational materials—including informative models of inclusion and multiculturalism within the framework of informal, multicultural education in the mentioned above countries—which deal with social and cultural inclusion of refugees and migrants on a daily basis

ELI-TE (Educational Leadership Institute – Teaching Engagement) is a training program for counselors working in camping programs for children and teens that will educate them regarding the need for civic involvement, multiculturalism, inclusion and other topics of good citizenship, and teach them how to informally educate and support their campers in these subjects. ELI-TE will produce an operational manual and materials that can be used beyond the initial partners of the project.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorPolandEU Member StateThe Foundation of the Jewish Agency Sochnut
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Representation of Jewish Agency for Israel in Georgia
PartnerUkraineNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Branch "Sohnut-Ukraine"
PartnerLatviaEU Member StateKulturas un izglitibas biedriba "YStreet"
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)SAMTSKHE-JAVAKHETI STATE UNIVERSITY

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Full title: EMotional literacy and Participatory approaches to Support Youth mental health

Proposal number: 101183457

Proposal abstract

EMPASY is a two-year capacity building action in the field of youth implemented by a consortium that spans across the EU (Italy; Belgium) and the MENA region (Lebanon, Morocco; Jordan). It responds to the growing needs among youth practitioners, youth leaders and other professionals to address the increasingly complex challenges of youth in Lebanon, Morocco and Jordan. It aims to promote youth wellbeing by building the capacity of youth workers, youth leaders and other professionals who provide non-formal learning opportunities to foster emotional literacy and participatory approaches as drivers of mental health. It will do that by developing new knowledge and skills, raising awareness and creating multi-stakeholder exchanges.

EMPASY will: a) provide 162 youth workers, youth leaders and other professionals with a need-based training on emotional literacy and participatory approaches (Internal training; Multiplier workshops) that builds on available methodologies adapted and tested in the target contexts; b) raise awareness on the importance of emotional literacy and participatory processes in promoting youth mental health and wellbeing through a co-created online and offline campaign reaching 20 000 people; c) map 300 key actors and connect them through National roundtables supporting dialogue between policy and practice for 150 actors, Local outreach events for 210 actors and one Transnational workshop on youth practice for 40 actors; d) promote new knowledge and tools on how to promote youth wellbeing through emotional literacy and participatory processes through 6 Infographics, a Brief, a Video and two Handbooks that will be disseminated through 3 National webinars for 170 participants, an International webinar for 60 participants, an EU Final conference for 60 participants and a project communication campaign reaching 162 000 people.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerItalyEU Member StateInsieme per mano - ONLUS
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)THE MEDITERRANEAN FORUM FOR YOUTH
PartnerJordanSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)AL-EMAD ALKABEER FOR TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT CO.
PartnerLebanonSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)YOUTH (CHABIBEH) SPORTING CLUB

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Full title: EmpowerYouth: Enabling Youth Organizations to Shape Decision-Making on Issues that Matter Most to Young People

Proposal number: 101184884

Proposal abstract

Youth disengagement is affecting both EU and non-EU countries. Only 6 in 10 EU youths are active in the societies they live in, with the figures even worse in the EU aspiring countries from the EaP. Youth vote is in general lower than the overall turnout, while the dialogue with decision-makers is very limited. This happens despite the readiness of youths to be engaged, especially on topics they care about most, such as climate and environment, which can act as catalysts for heightened youth participation.

For this reason, we are addressing the objectives of increasing youth political participation, civic engagement and dialogue with decision-makers and climate and environment. Awareness and engagement are unevenly distributed (with major variations depending on location, education, socio-economics, age and gender) and there is a growing need to strengthen the “taking action” approach and improve youth capacity to act as influential actors.

The project aims to improve the capacity of a minimum of 80 youth organizations from 1  EU MS (Romania) and 3 non-EU countries not part of the program (Moldova, Georgia, Armenia) through a consistent and long-lasting transfer of knowledge, skills, and good practices. By providing a sustainable non-formal learning program we aim to empower a large sample of youths and youth organizations to improve their engagement in public policies and decision-making. By fostering partnerships and working together with CSOs and public authorities, we aim to allow for new cross-border cooperation and avenues that would support initiatives targeting youth engagement in civic and political life, decision-making, and, in particular, in the climate and environmental policies.

Therefore, our project is complementary to the efforts done at the EU level, building upon key takeaways of similar initiatives, while putting a high emphasis on innovative and transnational approaches aligned with the EU youth agenda and strategies in place.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerMoldova (Republic of)Neighbourhood East (Region 2)Asociatia Obsteasca Centrul de Cercetare si Advocacy in Afaceri Europene
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)ASSOCIATION ATINATI
PartnerArmeniaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)GYUMRI YOUTH INITIATIVE CENTRE NGO

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Full title: Enhance girls and young women inclusion with the full support of the community

Proposal number: 101186010

Proposal abstract

ENHANCE brings together a multi-agency, cross sector partnership of 4 organizations, from 3 EU (CY, IT, NMK) and 3 NON-EU (Jordan, Morocco, Egypt) countries to increase their ability to tackle gender inequality and discrimination, by offering new up-to-date non formal education innovative methods and resources to ultimately foster a positive systemic change in their communities. The project will help the partner organization in creating supportive communities less prone to discrimination allowing the cross-fertilisation of cultural norms, necessary to address barriers and stereotypes that lead to gender inequality and foster a more organized support to ensure girls and young women inclusion.

The project has a particular focus on capacity building our partners from the non-EU countries drawing from lessons and experiences from our EU based partners and the European Commission’s work on promoting and implementing gender equality. According to a recent report by UNICEF, the situation of girls and young women in the 3 NON-EU countries is heavily influenced by cultural norms of their communities and a lack of quality education.

By participating in this project, the partners will: 

  • Enhance NON-EU organisations capacity to plan and implement local activities to foster better local cooperation
  • Share updated, innovative non formal education NFE methods to facilitate girls and young women socio-economic empowerment
  • Enlarge the number of NON-EU organisations, educators, target groups and communities using and benefitting with the project’s results

During the project the participant will receive CPD certification for undertaking the project’s educational and capacity building and by piloting the results among the consortium and their stakeholders, the partners aim for a multiplier effect and the enhancement of youth work at a pan-European level.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorCyprusEU Member StateRestorative Justice for All International Institute (RJ4All) Ltd
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)ASSOCIATION CENTRE ATIG DE RECHERCHE
PartnerJordanSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Al Balwanah Chairtable Association

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Full title: FemRise: Changing the Narrative, Shaping the Future

Proposal number: 101186343

Proposal abstract

The project aims to build the capacity of youth organizations to effectively challenge dominant public and media narratives surrounding feminism and feminist issues 
Specific objectives:

  • To conduct a comprehensive comparative research study analysing representations of gender, gender-based violence, and feminist issues in mainstream media and popular culture across 6 countries to identify prevalent narratives, stereotypes, and discrepancies.
  • To create a network 24 youth workers with competencies to use Newspaper Theatre techniques and Online campaigning in order to challenge dominant negative narratives on feminist issues within their respective societies.
  • To increase the level of critical thinking and consumption of media content on feminist issues (focus on gender norms, gender based violence, problematic narratives etc.) for at least 1200 young people
  • To conduct an online campaign that promotes an alternative narrative around feminist issues that will reach out to at least 5500 young people (500 young people/country+ 2000 internationally)


  • Kick-off meeting (Lebanon)
  • Training course on Gender Issues, Narratives and Newspaper Theatre (4 youth workers from each partner) (Romania)
  • Media monitoring and conducting the comparative research phase of media portrayal of gender issues  
  • Newspaper Theatre Performances aiming to increase the level of critical thinking and consumption of media content (at least 200 young people)

Second year

  • Mid-management meeting (Egypt)
  • Training course on Changing Narratives and Online Campaigning (Tunisia)
  • Preparation and implementation of online campaigning – National and International to promote alternative narratives around feminist issues
  • Evaluation process and Final Evaluation Meeting (Madeira)
  • Dissemination Events


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorRomaniaEU Member StateASOCIATIA A.R.T. FUSION
PartnerJordanSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)SIGI-Jo (Sisterhood Is Global Institue /Jordan)
PartnerTunisiaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)WEYOUTH
PartnerEgyptSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)MAAT FOR PEACE, DEVELOPMENT AND HUMAN RIGHTS
PartnerLebanonSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)YOUTH (CHABIBEH) SPORTING CLUB

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Generative AI

Full title: Generative AI – Youth sector challenges and impact

Proposal number: 101185815

Proposal abstract

Online hate speech has become a major issue since 9/11, posing a challenge for democratic societies. Factors like ideological crises, political polarization, and complex geopolitical tensions contribute to this issue. The rise of web 2.0 has increased concerns about disinformation and online propaganda, with AI contributing to the spread of fake content. Young people, particularly vulnerable youth groups, are particularly affected. A multidimensional approach is needed, including public policies, combating fake news, promoting media education, international cooperation, effective legislation, and civil society involvement. Youth associations and Youth Workers play a crucial role in identifying risk situations and preventing hate speech. AI has impacted youth work in Europe, using chatbots and VR glasses for online counseling and media literacy.

The project "Generative AI – Youth sector challenges and impact"  aims to equip NGO's, youth workers, and young people with digital skills to respond to changing socio-economic dynamics in an AI-driven society. It aims to develop innovative learning methods to develop critical thinking skills and limit hate speech among young people, promoting a culture of respect and tolerance. The project contributes to democracy by exposing citizens to a perspective and strengthening personal autonomy, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. It also identifies new competencies needed in the job market to counter hate speech and fake news, and aims to create and disseminate narratives of peace and inclusion. The project also explores the potential design and use of Artificial Intelligence to match the objectives.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorItalyEU Member StateCaleidoscopio
PartnerFranceEU Member StateAssociation de volontariat et échange culturel
PartnerBelgiumEU Member StateAssociation Euro-méditerranéenne Des Echanges, Volontariats, Evénements Belgique
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)EUROMEDITERRANEAN EXCHANGE, VOLUNTEERING, EVENTS
PartnerJordanSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)JORDAN YOUTH INNOVATION FORUM SOCIETY

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Full title: Promoting Active Citizenship in Youth through the use of the "Social Hackathon" approach

Proposal number: 101186262

Proposal abstract

The Hacktive Youth project aims at promoting Active Citizenship in Youth through the use of the "Social Hackathon" approach. The project will apply this approach as a non-formal learning strategy since it allows young people to be the center of their training process, contributing to the development of transversal skills, such as knowledge skills, practical skills and soft skills.

In the Hacktive Youth Project work program, the following activities will be implemented, in addition to the project coordination and evaluation (WP1) and the dissemination and sustainability (WP6):

  • Development of methodology and creation of training materials (WP2): Documentary and Field Research, Needs Analysis, Good Practices Manual, Social Hackathon Methodology.
  • Training of the Youth Workers (WP3): organization of 1 e-learning course; 2 Capacity Building Meetings in Tunisia and Morocco and 1 InterLab platform for Youth Workers.
  • Community Social Hackathons (WP4): organization of a. 5 Local Workshops with young people from the local communities about active citizenship and the Social Hackathon model and b. 1 Community Social Hackathon in each country.
  • Organization of the 1st International Social Hackathon in Egypt (WP5). To this event will participate both youth workers and young people (5 per each country) from the 8 partners.  

    The project has 3 main target groups:
  1. Youth Workers, involved in the field of active citizenship and non-formal education
  2. Underrepresented young people, from vulnerable contexts and fewer opportunities
  3. Organizations involved in youth work Consortium Partners from 4 European countries and 4 from South-Mediterranean countries.

To the project will participate:

  • 48 youth workers (6 from each country)
  • 400 young people (of which at least 220 with fewer opportunities)
  • 400 people among community members, stakeholders and professionals


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorBelgiumEU Member StateVOLONTEUROPE
PartnerEgyptSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Sustainable Tech for Technology
PartnerTunisiaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)ACtors for iniTIatives and deVElopement
PartnerGermanyEU Member StateEUTH WONDERS EV
PartnerItalyEU Member StateDREAMY
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)AFCD Foundation
PartnerPalestineSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)HOLY LAND TRUST

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Halan We Grow

Full title: Halan We Grow

Proposal number: 101183596

Proposal abstract

CSOs working with youth in the Southern Mediterranean region (Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon and Tunisia) are facing major multiple crises

We, with the support of the main application LUMEN (Croatia) and MasterPeace (MP) (NL), will develop new ways to engage, connect and empower youngsters.

The overall needs overview matches with our main objective ‘to boost the quality, capacity and recognition of youth work in the Southern Mediterranean in an international cooperation of CSOs by jointly learning, developing and implementing innovative Non Formal Education methodologies and materials to engage, connect and empower youngsters (especially young women and minority groups in remote areas) outside formal learning.’

Main outputs/ products/ events:

  • 6 online trainings raising capacity; 12 Youth Workers’ Passion Grow Plans; 4 CSO strategies;
  • 5 online trainings on 21st century skills related to EU values; 1 NFE material as output
  • 3 Thematic upgraded NFE Methodologies with e-learning (Artivism, Doughnut Economy and Social Entrepreneurship in 5 languages); 16 Youth workers from associated CSOs trained
  • Halan We Grow e-learning platform
  • 28 trained Youth Workers guide 20 projects resulting in 20 theatre plays and 4 educational board games run by 140 youngsters (80% female; 40% from minority background);
  • 1 transnational online Social Entrepreneurship challenge with 30 participants from the Southern Mediterranean region
  • 4 local Growth Mindset summits each with 30 stakeholders; 4 MoUs signed
  • 1 MP global Innovation Factory; 15 global CSOs attend
  • 2 MP EU/MENA capacity building bootcamps with 40 representatives from 15 EU and MENA countries; 2 reports mentioning the upgrading of the CSOs strategy
  • 7 webinars “Taking The Stage” meeting hundreds of youth workers during prestigious global online meetings; 7 reports on upgrading the CSOs strategy
  • 3 global surveys on needs of CSOs and Youth Workers
  • 22 stories will be published and reach youth workers


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerEgyptSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Peacemakers Association for Community Development
PartnerTunisiaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)JAMAITY
PartnerNetherlandsEU Member StateSTICHTING MASTERPEACE
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)MASTERPEACE MOROCCO
PartnerLebanonSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)LEBANESE DEVELOPMENT NETWORK

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