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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Capacity Building Youth Call 2024 - List of selected projects with partner names (I - P)

Note that final decision on these proposals is subject to the completion of the grant award procedure in line with the timeline indicated in the call for proposals and will be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP).

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency may, until such time as the agreement is signed, either abandon or cancel the procedure without this entitling the applicants on this list to any compensation.


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This page lists projects I - P. They are displayed alphabetically by project acronym.

Please note that the abstracts are provided by the projects themselves.

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Innovators Lab

Full title: InnovatorsLab: Gen Z's Game-Based Peace Building

Proposal number: 101186272

Proposal abstract

The "InnovatorsLab: Gen Z's Game-Based Peace Building" project is an innovative initiative designed to revolutionize peacebuilding and conflict transformation education for Generation Z youth by leveraging game-based learning methodologies such as Escape Rooms. The project seeks to bridge identified challenges and lack of skills, competences and methodological gap within our consortium and among other NGOs from participating countries. It addresses the challenge of engaging Gen Z from conflict-affected communities in peace building activities by developing tools that resonate with their learning styles.

The project features an e-learning platform with 6 modules on Gen Z characteristics, game-based learning principles, and innovative conflict resolution methods. It also includes development of comprehensive Guidelines on incorporating escape room methodologies into peacebuilding, tested in international youth worker mobilities, offering step-by- step setup instructions, case studies, and design templates.

Peace and Empathy Cards, another project component, are designed to stimulate discussions on peace and community integration, usable both within escape rooms and separately. The project emphasizes testing and refining these methodologies through youth worker mobility. The project also features job shadowing among partners to exchange practices in conflict transformation, targeting specific local conflicts in Bulgaria, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, and Romania. PeaceLabs with local Gen Z groups will be established in each partner country for testing and applying the methodologies.

Expected outcomes include enhanced organizational capacities in innovative peacebuilding methodologies and game based learning with Gen Z, contribution to innovation of youth work, creation of network of youth organizations with innovative tools for peace education and in long term increased Gen Z engagement in peace and conflict resolution.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerTurkeyThird countries associated to the ProgrammeNicea Kultur ve Egitim Dernegi
PartnerRomaniaEU Member StateASOCIATIA SE POATE
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)YOUTH FOR PEACE AND EQUALITY
PartnerArmeniaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)ARMENIAN PROGRESSIVE YOUTH NGO

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Full title: InTechGrowth: Nowe Pomysły, Nowe Technologie, Nowe Pokolenie

Proposal number: 101185687

Proposal abstract

The general objective of the project InTechGrowth is to establish an enabling environment that supports young individuals in building entrepreneurial skills essential for creating and developing their technology start-ups. The project will be of developmental-educational nature. Not only will it focus on building the competences of the representatives of the organisations working with young people and those promoting start-ups, but also on enhancing the skills of the youth. This dual approach will enhance the effectiveness of these entities in their engagement with the youth.

The project assumes the establishment of cooperation with nine partners from different states, four of them Erasmus+ non-associated countries, to extend the impact of the initiative. Through collaboration with a variety of institutions, the programme will build the capacities of organisations’ staff, improving their understanding and adaptability to the dynamic needs of the youth and the start-up environment. One key element will involve the exchange of experiences between different organisations, fostering effective adaptation of strategies and working methods to the evolving market and social conditions. In addition, the programme will promote innovative approaches to youth work and start-up support, encouraging continuous improvement of practices and the alignment with new trends and technologies.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
AssociatedTurkeyThird countries associated to the ProgrammeMINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS
PartnerTurkeyThird countries associated to the ProgrammeATGAB (Adana Turizmi Gelistirme ve Altyapi Hizmet Birligi)
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Association of Business Consulting Organizations of Georgia
PartnerTurkeyThird countries associated to the ProgrammeNEVSEHIR HACI BEKTAS VELI UNIVERSITY

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Full title: Traditional games to foster youth civic engagement

Proposal number: 101181272

Proposal abstract

Youth represent the key factor that can make the difference in today words. Both the EU and MENA areas have been experiencing remarkable challenges in the last decades, at economic, social, political and health-related fields. The EU institutions firmly promote the involvement of young people in the construction of a better social fabric, aimed at fostering more inclusive and integrated societies. As acknowledged in the Youth Strategy 2021-2027 by the EU Commission, young people “should acquire the necessary skills to contribute to prosperous, democratic and cohesive societies in Europe and beyond. In today's interconnected world, many young people are concerned about global issues such as climate change or peace and security”.

In line with the objectives of the call, JUVENTAS will, on one side, provide trainers, youth workers and educators from the participating organization with innovative NFE tools built on values extrapolated from the potential educational power of traditional games. Therefore, contributing to raise their capacity outside formal learning. On the other side, through the production of tailored training activities fostering the active participation of young generation by means of volunteering, promotion of local cultural intangible heritage, JUVENTAS will contribute promoting non-formal learning activities in the eligible third countries not associated to the Programme and in the EU region, and foster the participation of young people in all their diversity, with a view to improving their level of competences and opportunities to act, thus enabling them to ensure the active participation of young people in society”.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorPolandEU Member StateTOWARZYSTWO AMICUS
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Mediterranean Youth Hub Impact : MyHi
PartnerEgyptSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)HAVE A DREAM
PartnerItalyEU Member StateMV INTERNATIONAL

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Mind Over Screens

Full title: Mind Over Screens - Empowering Youth in the Digital World

Proposal number: 101184511

Proposal abstract

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on education, accelerating the digital transformation of teaching and learning. Digitalization has provided endless opportunities for young people, including access to information and communication. However, it has also introduced new risks and challenges that could potentially harm their mental and emotional wellbeing, making it crucial to address these issues as soon as possible. As a result, it has become more important than ever to equip young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world.

Moreover, the 2024 Erasmus+ Programme Guide highlights the need for more emphasis on digital skills and the use of ICT tools in education. All of this underscores the need for continued efforts to promote digital literacy and healthy digital habits among young people to ensure that they use digital tools in a safe and responsible manner.

To address the needs of youth workers and young people in the wake of the digital transition, the Mind Over Screens project was created by six partner organizations from Italy, Slovakia, Finland, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania, building upon the aspects and researches discussed earlier.

The project aims to build and expand the capacity of all partner organizations from program and partner countries, especially youth workers, trainers, educators and teachers, through the development of a training course with the use of gamification methods about social media influence, media literacy and digital habits among young people. The training will be supported by creation of handbook and set of interactive tools and games, that will support youth workers with game-based elements in their activities for young people. The project’s goal is also to raise awareness on the topic among young people in partner and other European countries about the social media influence, media literacy and digital habits through creations of the podcast and social campaign.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorItalyEU Member StateYOUNET APS
PartnerAlbaniaWestern Balkans (Region 1)REBUS Albania
PartnerSlovakiaEU Member StateYOUTH FOR EQUALITY
PartnerBosnia and HerzegovinaWestern Balkans (Region 1)Omladinska organizacija Svitac
PartnerMontenegroWestern Balkans (Region 1)MLADIINFO MONTENEGRO

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Full title: Promoting mental health in youth through the Forum Theater methodology facing the threats of the digital

Proposal number: 101184193

Proposal abstract

The MYndTheater project seeks to promote mental health in youth through the forum theater methodology against the threats of the digital environments, developing key skills in young people such as Knowledge skills, Life skills, Psycho-emotional skills and Practical skills.

To reach this objective, the project will carry out the following activities:

Research: Desk Research and Data Collection, Qualitative Research and Exchange of best practices (Outputs: guidelines about research, research paper about desk research report about qualitative research and collection of best practices)

Training: E-learning course and Transnational training meeting in Serbia (Outputs: guidelines selection of participants, training program, guidelines to the preparation of e-learning course, e-learning course, e-learning platform, training materials e-learning course, e-learning course, evaluation of e-learning course, agenda and training program of training meeting, training report and evaluation of training meeting)

Capacity Building: Capacity building meeting in Albania and Virtual Forum Theater Lab (Outputs: Virtual Forum Theater Lab platform, virtual forum theater exchanges, report on methodology, CBY meeting program, agenda and info pack, report on meeting’s activities, catalogue of games)

Forum Theater (from virtual to real): Staging in real settings and Workshop Program (Outputs: Forum Theater Guidelines, local Workshop, report “MYndTheater” Handbook).

Impact and Target: 28 youth workers (4 from each country) will participate in the Training and Capacity Budling Program and they will be the facilitators of the Virtual Forum Theater Lab; 42 additional youth workers from each country (6 per each country) will to acquire the developed methodology trough VTFL; At least 210 young people (30 from each country) will participate in the workshops and local performances; 105 local stakeholders contribute to the project.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorItalyEU Member StateETS TWOPLUSTWO
PartnerItalyEU Member StateDREAMY
PartnerAlbaniaWestern Balkans (Region 1)TOGETHER FOR LIFE SHOQATA
PartnerGreeceEU Member StateACTION SYNERGY SA
PartnerSerbiaThird countries associated to the ProgrammeUG DAH TEATAR
PartnerNorth MacedoniaThird countries associated to the ProgrammeASSOCIATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SFERA INTERNATIONAL BITOLA
PartnerMontenegroWestern Balkans (Region 1)Fondacija za promovisanje nauke "PRONA"

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Not Neat to be NEET

Full title: Not Neat to be NEET - building capacities of the Western Balkan’s youth organisations for more inclusive projects and full participation of youth with fewer opportunities

Proposal number: 101182578

Proposal abstract

Inclusion and diversity is strong priority for the Erasmus+. Experienced youth orgs however know that inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, specifically in youth projects remains challenging. Even for youth orgs that are strong and well established. The thing is inclusion of such youths often requires much greater effort and resources that are not always there. How about than for organisations from smaller communities of the Western Balkans region? How do they cope with the challenge?

But no matter the youth organisation size, for all youth orgs it is very important what kind of methodology is applied to development and implementation of projects that target youth with fewer opportunities. It is illogical to plan to include youth with mobility issues, only to organize a TC in completely inaccessible to them location/facilities. Or plan to include youth faced with economic barriers, coming from low living standard and low income for instance, only to ask of them to finance their international trip on their own. Or make them wait for reimbursement for weeks after they come back home.

Nevertheless, these illogical things happen, more often then we care to admit and these happen because organisations do not have more qualified staff and/or volunteers working specifically in support of the participation of young people with fewer opportunities. Consortium members consisting of youth organisations from the WB region: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo would like to change this fact.

We feel that also youth orgs from smaller communities of the WB region need capacity building and new volunteers and staff working in support of participation of people with fewer opportunities in projects. We also feel that these current and future youth workers need transnational opportunities to learn from each other and work with each other and network on more firm basis thus enabling greater inclusion and diversity in youth projects in the region.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorSerbiaThird countries associated to the ProgrammeUDRUZENJE NARODNI PARLAMENT
PartnerMontenegroWestern Balkans (Region 1)NEVLADINA ORGANIZACIJA GLAS
PartnerKosovo * UN resolutionWestern Balkans (Region 1)Youth Center Drenas
PartnerAlbaniaWestern Balkans (Region 1)CENTER FOR BRIDGING COMMUNITIES
PartnerBosnia and HerzegovinaWestern Balkans (Region 1)UDRUZENJE AGENCIJA LOKALNE DEMOKRATIJE IZ MOSTARA

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Full title: Fostering Resilient Futures through Global Citizenship Education and Participatory Video Labs for Youth in Morocco and Tunisia

Proposal number: 101186242

Proposal abstract

In recent years, youth in Morocco, Tunisia, and Italy have increasingly faced complex and globally interconnected challenges such as climate change, migration, international conflicts, strained international relations, and weakening of democratic values. This complexity makes it challenging for young people to envision possible solutions, fostering anxiety and undermining confidence along with their sense of self-efficacy.

The overarching goal of the OUR FUTURE project is to enhance the capacity of these young people to craft meaningful life projects. Specifically, the project aims to develop the capacity of youth organizations to deliver innovative youth programs enabling young people to envision a satisfactory and attainable future.

In line with this objective, the project will produce a toolkit to support youth workers in implementing two interconnected non-formal learning pathways. The first one is based on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and aims to reinforce the skills necessary to understand and navigate contemporary complexity and global interdependence. The second one consists of a participatory video lab where young people can freely and creatively express their perspectives on the desired future, making their voices heard.

Project activities include:

  • Transnational training of youth workers from the three countries of intervention for the co-design of youth work activities based on GCE and participatory video production.
  • Testing of the new youth work activities at the local level with groups of young people from disadvantaged areas.
  • Assessment of the testing activities and fine-tuning of the youth work activities.
  • Production of the toolkit, and in-person and virtual activities to disseminate the project results.

The project consortium is formed by three youth organizations, one association specialized in participatory video production, and a university department with relevant experience in participatory approaches applied to youth work.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorItalyEU Member StatePROGETTOMONDO - ETS
PartnerMoroccoSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)AQJ
PartnerItalyEU Member StateAssociazione Culturale ZaLab
PartnerTunisiaSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)ASSOCIATION FORUM DES SCIENCES SOCIALES APPLIQUEES

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Full title: Psychological First Aid & Creative Technics

Proposal number: 101186111

Proposal abstract

The past decade has created a hostile environment for the mental health of young people. COVID stole many years and experiences from them, turned the focus inwards, limited human contact and warmth. War, blazing for two years now in Ukraine, has created trauma not only in young Ukrainians, who faced the war consequences full blast, but also of young people of East Neighbourhood areas, as the refugee crisis became a reality inside the belly of Europe as well.

The housing crisis and rising unemployment affects young people in South Europe drastically, as they feel powerless to act and take their lives in their own hands. In this setting, the youth workers have a responsibility to protect, empower, and help young people face adversity. However, youth workers are rarely fully equipped to address issues of mental health, acute psychological trauma, and use art therapy techniques to heal and repair, to address the whole cycle of dealing with traumatic events, from prevention, to the first response, and finally, to the healing process.

The results

  • Manual of Psychoeducation and Psychological First Aid
  • Toolkit for Art Therapy Techniques
  • Psychoeducation and Art Therapy e-learning course curriculum
  • Digital materials for Psychoeducation, Psychological First Aid, and Art Therapy
  • A complete course addressing identification of mental health issues in young people, psychological first aid, and art therapy techniques

The plan

  • WP 1: Project Management
  • WP 2: Manual and Toolkit for Psychological Aid
    • Research – definitions, theories, psychopathology, tools and techniques
    • Compilation of Manual of Psychological First Aid
    • Compilation of Toolkit for Art Therapy Techniques
  • WP 3: Digital Psychoeducation
    • E-learning platform
    • Psychoeducation and Art Therapy e-learning course curriculum
    • Digital materials for psychoeducation and Art Therapy
  • WP 4: Training of Youth Workers and Piloting
    • 3 international Trainings of Youth Workers
    • Local Piloting
  • WP 5: Dissemination & Sustainability 


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
PartnerArmeniaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Youth Development Center of Armenia
PartnerUkraineNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Young Agents of Change
PartnerGeorgiaNeighbourhood East (Region 2)Georgian Youth Development Association
PartnerGreeceEU Member StateACTION SYNERGY SA
PartnerLithuaniaEU Member StateAsociacija "Aktyvus jaunimas"
PartnerMoldova (Republic of)Neighbourhood East (Region 2)INSTITUTUL DE INSTRUIRE IN DEZVOLTARE MILLENIUM

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Full title: P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L - Promoting Emotional Aid, Connection to Ecology and Future yoUth Leadership

Proposal number: 101184478

Proposal abstract

PEACEFUL addresses the gaps of physical, professional, educational and operational support required by peace and non-formal education organisations working with vulnerable youth in times of conflict and post-conflict.

A consortium of civil society organisations from Palestine, Israel, Romania and Spain, connected through previous cooperation on peace education, came together on the background of the recent war in Israel and Palestine, to offer urgent support to vulnerable youth, broaden their perspective, and encourage them to be active citizens and agents of peace.

PEACEFUL will develop, test and pilot a new educational program, combining innovative tools of emotional trauma healing, nature-based practices and hands-on conservation actions. This program will be made freely available to youth organisations, youth workers and trainers in the partner countries, in the South Mediterranean region, and across Europe.

Based on a comprehensive needs analysis, PEACEFUL plans two training courses in Spain and Romania, introducing the project’s methodology, a capacity-building seminar in Palestine, and a pilot youth exchange in Romania, to test, evaluate and measure the impact of the developed tools on youth with fewer opportunities.

These mobility activities aim to emotionally engage youth, connect youth across borders around common ground, raise their environmental awareness and responsibility, and empower them to lead positive change.

A program manual, a dedicated website, audio and video materials will be created for the dissemination of the results, as well as multiplier events in the partner countries, and a social media campaign with a planned reach of hundred people physically and ten thousand people online.

Using a carefully planned sustainability strategy, PEACEFUL will make a positive and lasting impact on the support given to youth in regions of war, and their empowerment to move societies towards a peaceful future.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorSpainEU Member StateAsociación Extremundo
PartnerIsraelSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)Sulha Peace Project
PartnerRomaniaEU Member StateAsociatia Kalopsia
PartnerPalestineSouth-Mediterranean countries (Region 3)HOLY LAND TRUST

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Full title: PerformatIve aRts fOr yoUth EngagemenT and communiTy rEgeneration – Phase 2 - Global to Local

Proposal number: 101185378

Proposal abstract

Project PerformatIve aRts fOr yoUth EngagemenT and communiTy rEgeneration – Phase 2 - Global to Local, built upon the two-year PIROUETTE initiative (2022-2023), aims to promote the use of performative arts as an innovative NFE methodology to foster social and civic engagement of youth through global education that will eventually lead to the promotion of global citizenship by encouraging/fostering “unprivileged art(ists)”. The idea behind the project stems from the recognition of youth’s social and civic engagement as a driving force for community development through active participation in addressing global issues.

A key facet involves encouraging and fostering “unprivileged art(ists)” to ensure inclusivity and diversity within the performing arts community.

The specific objectives:

Through global education initiatives, nurture a sense of global citizenship among participants, emphasizing inclusivity and empowerment, particularly for “unprivileged art(ists)”.

Foster the use of performative arts as an innovative Non-Formal Education (NFE) methodology to effectively enhance social and civic engagement among youth.

Recognize youth's social and civic engagement as a catalyst for community development. Encourage active participation in addressing global issues through the transformative power of performative arts. Empower participants, especially "unprivileged art(ists)", to utilize their newfound understanding of global issues as a driving force to bring positive change at the local level.

Elevate visibility and recognition of "unprivileged art(ists)" as valuable contributors to the performative arts community, fostering a more inclusive and diverse artistic landscape.

By combining PIROUETTE's achievements with the new project's goals, there's a concerted effort to nurture socially conscious and globally aware citizens. The ultimate vision is to empower youth.

Project will be implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, Kosovo, Germany, Montenegro and Serbia.


Entity roleCountryRegionLegal name
CoordinatorBosnia and HerzegovinaWestern Balkans (Region 1)UDRUZENJE AGENCIJA LOKALNE DEMOKRATIJE IZ MOSTARA
PartnerMontenegroWestern Balkans (Region 1)Nevladino udruzenje Optimisti
PartnerGermanyEU Member StateNGO NEST BERLIN EV
PartnerKosovo * UN resolutionWestern Balkans (Region 1)ANIBAR

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