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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Youth participation activities


Youth participation activities offer groups of young people the chance to get involved in civic society and economic, social, cultural and political life. By taking part they can get their voice heard on topics that matter to them.

Examples of supported activities include workshops, debates, awareness-raising campaigns, meeting decision-makers online or face-to-face, cultural events, and more.

Activities take place outside the formal education or training environment. The learning outcomes of participants can be identified and documented through Youthpass.


Projects can last between 3 and 24 months. This time includes preparation, implementation and follow-up phases. Each project can include a combination of various (shorter) activities.

Quote text

I'm glad I could participate in the project. I tried voting and putting a ballot in the ballot box for the first time. At that moment, you really feel important, contributing to change.

- Participant in the Let's Vote (Balsuojam!) project, Lithuania

Who can take part

Youth participation activities are open to people between the ages of 13 and 30.

Activities should be youth-driven and can be implemented by  informal groups of young people or organisations working with young people.

Financial support

The EU grant supports practical and activity-related costs necessary for the projects. Specific support is also available for organisation of physical events and for costs of project-related mobility (where projects include these types of activities).

How to apply

You cannot apply directly for a grant as an individual. Applications must be made by an organisation or a group of young people.

Where an application is made by an organisation, young people should still be actively involved at every stage of the project.

Where to apply

Organisations should visit their National Agency website to search and apply for funding.

The National Agency in your country can also support you if you need help in finding a suitable participating organisation or have any questions.

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