Projects are related to the call year. They are counted once a grant agreement is signed between the applicant organisation and the managing organisation (the National Agencies in charge of implementing the programme or the executive agency, EACEA).
Since projects take between two and three years to complete, some of the reported projects are still ongoing. This means the related data might change once they are finalised.
The reported learning mobility periods are those that start between 1 January and 31 December of the referenced year.
Any organisation can participate in the programme multiple times and therefore can be counted several times.
The data is consolidated from several IT systems and, due to underlying management processes, availability is subject to delays (typically several months). As a general rule, the data presented for the current year and the two previous years should be considered as non-definitive.
Term | Short definition |
Applicant country | Country of the organisation coordinating the project. |
Field | Main field of action for a project
Gender | Participant gender |
Inbound country | Country to which participants are sent to take part in an activity of an Erasmus+ project. |
Organisations | Any organisation or informal group of young people involved in the implementation of an Erasmus+ project. The number refers here to the count of organisations' participations in contracted; an organisation can participate in several activities. An organisation participating several times will be counted multiple times. |
Outbound country | Country from where participants are sent to take part in an activity of an Erasmus+ project. |
Participants | Individuals moving physically in order to take part in a learning mobility activity. It may take the form of traineeships, apprenticeships, youth exchanges, volunteering, teaching or participation in a professional development activity and may include preparatory activities. Participants may take part in more than one learning mobility activity. |
Participant profile | Type of participant, staff or learner. This information is not captured for some types of mobilities. |
Projects | A coherent set of activities, which are organised in order to achieve defined objectives and results. The number refers to contracted projects: projects whose contracts have been signed by both parties (National Agencies/EACEA managing the project and Beneficiary). |
Project Grants | Total amount allocated to projects and also the amount that is paid to the beneficiaries on the completion of projects. The number refers to contracted project grants: total grant amount associated to the contracted projects. |
Year | For projects, it is to be read as "call year”: year of the Erasmus+ call to which the project is associated (2014, 2015, 2016…). For learning mobility periods, it is to be read as the year when the mobility started. |