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Q&A – Jean Monnet Actions on Teacher training and networks

This page is a transcript of a web training session on Jean Monnet Teacher Training, April 2021.

Learn about Jean Monnet Teacher Training opportunities.

Teacher training

Is the Jean Monnet action on teacher training open to universities?

Yes if the university has a faculty/department dedicated to teacher training activities.

Do we need a permit from the Ministry for Education to participate in the programme?

No permit is needed from the Ministry of Education to participate in the programme, just make sure when you apply, that your institution/country abides to the eligibility rules set out in the Call for proposals for the action you wish to apply for.

Question about eligibility: Teacher training agencies are defined in different ways in different countries. How do you legitimise that we are a teacher training agency?

In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are teacher training institutes/agencies.

During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).

Can an education and technology association be considered a training provider?

Yes, if the association provides proof that it is dedicated to teacher training activities targeting ISCED 1-4, in which case applications would be welcome. In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are teacher training institutes/ agencies. During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).

For teacher training, how many institutions and/or countries can apply?

According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the Jean Monnet teacher training action, one Higher Education Institution or one Teacher Training Institute/Agency providing initial and/or in-service training to teachers of schools and/or VET institutes (ISCED 1-4) may apply for funding.

Can a higher education institute that offers modules on didactic and pedagogical competence for undergraduate students apply for a Jean Monnet action?

HEIs can apply to any of the Jean Monnet actions offered under the 2021 Call - except for the Schools Network action. HEIs from any country in the world can apply for Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence, whilst the Teacher Training action is reserved to Programme Countries only.

Is the JM action open to universities training in service training and those working on initial teacher training?

Yes. Teacher training activities cover initial and/or in service teacher training.

How many JM teacher trainings will be funded this year?

We have earmarked a budget of 4 million EUR for projects related to teacher training and networks. The grant allocation amounts to 80% of the project's requested budget, with a maximum ceiling of 300 000 EUR. The amount of projects selected will depend on how far the budget stretches and the amounts requested by the highest ranked projects following the evaluation process.

Can JM teacher training courses be delivered only in one country? If the applicant decides to deliver the course to teachers only in one country could it be penalised during the evaluation phase?

JM teacher trainings courses may be delivered in more than one country but it is not compulsory. See more details on award criteria for the teacher training action.

For applying as a teacher training institute is it necessary to have an OID?

All potential beneficiaries wanting to apply for a Jean Monnet action must begin by creating an OID (organisation ID). For applications relating to the 2021 call for Jean Monnet actions, you will find all relevant documents, the Erasmus+ Programme Guide and the application forms on the Funding and Tender Opportunity Portal.

Can a member of the team developing teacher training be from the UK?

The Jean Monnet teacher training action is open to Programme countries only. This does not prevent an institution from having staff members that come from other countries.


Can a JM network application be led by a university (HEI) involved in teacher training education in order to work on teaching EU with two / three other HEIs (also involved in teacher education) in different European countries and their networks or partner schools (primary / secondary) under the new action?

For this call for the sub-action on networks, applications will be accepted only from schools and VET providers (ISCED 1-4).

Based on early feedback, and after evaluation of the impact of this call on teacher training, the opening of network opportunities to other education institutions may be considered in the future.

Could regional Directorates of Education be included as applicant organisations in the Jean Monnet Networks in the future?

For this call for the sub-action on networks, applications will be accepted only from schools and VET providers (ISCED 1-4).

Based on early feedback, and after evaluation the impact of this call on teacher training, the opening of network opportunities to other education institutions may be considered in the future.

Can I apply as a single VET school or only in a network of schools?

Eligibility criteria for networks state that one VET institute established in an Erasmus+ Programme country can apply. The proposed network should include a minimum of 5 schools and/or VET providers established in at least 3 different Erasmus+ Programme countries.

Is it possible for primary school teachers to organise a network of primary schools to take part in Jean Monnet?

Yes indeed. For school networks, schools and VET providers (ISCED levels 1 to 4) established in an Erasmus+ Programme country, can apply on behalf of the partners in the proposed network. The proposed network should include a minimum of 5 schools and/or VET providers established in at least 3 different Erasmus+ Programme countries.

For JM Networks, can VET providers be considered including private companies that host apprentices and interns?

According to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, VET Education and training bodies are those which aim to equip people with knowledge, knowhow, skills and/or competences required in particular occupations or more broadly on the labour market. In the proposal, application institutions will have to declare that they are teacher training institutes/agencies.

During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).

Are JM Teacher Trainings and JM Networks available to countries teaching outside of the EU?

The Actions relating to teacher training and networks are not open to countries outside of Erasmus+ Programme countries.

This does not prevent you from organising teacher training activities/ discussions of the EU in schools in the context of other Jean Monnet funded projects (ie. Chairs, Centres of Excellence).

Are countries outside Erasmus+ eligible to apply, if the network includes 3 Erasmus+ countries?

The Actions relating to teacher training and networks are not open to countries outside of Erasmus+ Programme countries.

For Jean Monnet Higher Education actions, there are possibilities for non programme countries to apply.

How and where can I find other schools that are interested to participate as a network of schools?

In the Funding and Tender Portal for Jean Monnet Networks in “other fields of education”, you can find a "partner search tool" that might be of help to you.

Teacher training and networks

Can a directorate of education which is a public body take part in a Jean Monnet Action and in which one?

With regard to Networks, only Schools and VET Institutes may apply.

For the teacher training action, one Higher Education Institution or one Teacher Training Institute/Agency providing initial and/or in-service training to teachers of schools and/or VET institutes may apply.

In the proposal, applicant institutions will have to declare that they are Teacher training institutes/ agencies. During the evaluation or the grant agreement preparation, further evidence may be requested as to the legal status of applicant institutions (i.e. the legal statute should clearly indicate teacher education / teacher training as a main activity and/or the entity is a provider of training to teachers).

Teacher training / networks - How to apply

How can I send in an application? Is it available on line?

In order to see the application forms you need to create an account and to register - by logging on to the link below as relevant.

Teacher training


Should a continuous teacher training entity already participating in Erasmus+ register in the Participants Portal again, in a different way, to participate in Jean Monnet?

In order to apply for a Jean Monnet teacher training action you must find the Call reference address in the Participant Portal, in this case, it would be JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSC.

Teacher training


What is the difference between lump sum and actual costs - is the difference related to the reporting and audit phase?

A lump sum is agreed ex ante, as a result of the evaluation process and it is integrated in the Grant Agreement. The lump sum type 2 or customised lump sum is divided in Work Packages, for each Work Package, the amount is closed at the signature of the Grant agreement. This implies that the project will only focus on the content and not on the financial reporting. If the work is implemented as described, then the lump sum is paid as described and there is no need of calculation of the actual costs. For better understanding of the new financial mechanisms, please consult this Youtube video.

Teacher training - questions from teachers

Is there an application form to complete in order to be educated as JM teachers?

Whilst this year's call targets teacher educators to develop material for teaching on EU, once the results are up and running, you can avail of the findings of such teacher training actions, once up and running. For your information, there is already a lot of useful material available in all EU languages on the Commission’s Learning corner website

As teachers, how can we find these courses? Is there a course catalogue (once the funds have been given)?

The beneficiaries will be published as well as details of their offer (including the facilities for potential interested teachers) and made available on our website. Once the results are available, you can benefit from the results of the teacher training actions, once up and running. Learning resources on the EU are available in all EU official languages on the Learning corner website.
