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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

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Data visualisation on cooperation projects

Erasmus+ supports cooperation among organisations and institutions under Key Action 2. These projects are aimed at developing, transferring and implementing innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.

Key Action 2 contributes significantly to the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme and brings positive and long-lasting effects to the participating organisations. Projects foster cooperation and exchange of practices, allowing key actors to make better use of new technologies, develop innovative teaching, training and learning methods, promote non-formal learning and develop common tools and activities.

You can explore the data on cooperation projects below.

This graph presents the number of projects contracted under the cooperation part of the programme (Key Action 2) since 2014. It allows two types of interactions, with drop-down menus to toggle between projects/project grants/organisations and Year/field, or by clicking on one bar (and validate). By refreshing the page, the filters are being reset.

The impacts of COVID-19 on physical mobility prompted to programme to increase its focus on cooperation as soon as 2020. The Erasmus+ resilience efforts in the context of the pandemic mobilised hundreds of thousands of schools, higher education institutions, vocational training institutes, teachers, young people, youth and sport organisations, civil society and other stakeholders. 

The objective to accelerate new practices that improve the quality and relevance of education, training and youth systems across Europe – at national, regional and local level – were boosted, thanks to more budget channelled to cooperation projects, resulting in an increase of the number of this type of projects in 2020 and 2021.

Data dashboard

All charts on this page are also available on a standalone dashboard. 

Go to the Erasmus+ data dashboard

Last updated:

Data is subject to changes and becomes final upon completion of projects. Project duration ranges from 12 to 36 months depending on the field.
For any questions about the statistics, please contact the EAC Reporting team.