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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Erasmus+ in Finland in 2022

Statistics on mobility, cooperation and other data.


About this data

This is part of a yearly series of national data on Erasmus+ projects and exchanges in its programme countries.

Mobility projects

Supporting mobility of learners, staff and young people is and remains the essence and the backbone of Erasmus+.

Mobility projects fall under Key Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals.

In 2022 the biggest number of mobility projects were in the field of school education.
The largest share of funding in mobility projects went to higher education.
Organisations in the school education sector formed the largest numbers of participating organisations in mobility projects.

Numbers of staff and learner exchanges

Participants travelling to Finland have picked up in 2022 after a downturn during the Covid pandemic.
There was also a significant post-Covid increase in participants leaving for exchanges during 2022.

Cooperation projects

Erasmus+ increases the support for projects that foster cooperation and exchange of practices, allowing key actors to make better use of new technologies, develop innovative teaching, training and learning methods, promote non-formal learning and develop common tools and activities.

In cooperation projects and policy development activities, organisations gain experience in international cooperation, strengthen their capacities, produce innovative approaches, exchange good practices and network.

Through these actions, Erasmus+ plays an important role in strengthening resilience and supporting recovery and innovation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

Cooperation projects fall under Key Action 2 - Cooperation among organisations and institutions.

The most cooperation projects were in the school education sector.
The vocational education and training and higher education sectors received the most grant money for cooperation projects in 2022.
There were more cooperation projects in higher education than in any other sector in 2022.

Support to policy development and cooperation

This programme provides support to policy development and cooperation at EU level, contributing to national reforms and modernisation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

These projects fall under Key Action 3 - Support to policy development and cooperation.

Jean Monnet Actions

These actions offer opportunities in the field of higher education and in other fields of education and training.

Jean Monnet actions contribute to spread knowledge about the European Union integration matters.

Contribution to Erasmus+ programme priorities

Environment and fight against climate change featured as the main priority in total grants in 2022, closely followed by digital transformation.

About Erasmus+

About 10 million individuals, including students, learners, professors, teachers and trainers in all sectors, are expected to participate in mobility activities abroad during the course of the programme.

Through the unique experience of living, studying, training or travelling abroad, participants gain self-confidence and soft skills, discover different cultures and build networks of interpersonal and professional relationships with people from other countries.

This fosters their employability and active participation in society and contributes to greater social inclusion and a strengthened European identity.

Learn more about Erasmus+ in Finland

National Agencies

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, School Education, Adult Education, Youth, Sport

National Agency Code: FI01

Address: Hakaniemenranta 6, P.O.Box 380 00531, Helsinki, Finland

Phone number: +358 295 331 000



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