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Veröffentlicht :  9 Nov 2022

145 projects selected for Erasmus+ capacity building in higher education funding

The European Commission has announced the selected projects in 2022 for Erasmus+ funding to promote capacity building in higher education.

Students reading books together

Here are two things you might not have known about Erasmus+:

  1.  it’s not all about student mobility – the programme also funds international cooperation projects
  2. Erasmus+ fosters cooperation with countries all over the world

The 145 Erasmus+ capacity building for higher education projects recommended for funding provide good examples of both of the above.

The European Commission has selected the projects for 2022 and these will be published once the contracts have been signed.

Increasing cooperation between the EU and third countries

These projects are based on multilateral partnerships between organisations – usually higher education institutions – from the EU, European countries associated to the programme, and from other countries or regions around the world.

Together these partnerships design new university courses and teaching modules, train staff or develop internationalisation and governance in partner countries.

The impact of these projects is often wider than the scope of their action – they increase cooperation with the EU and promote intercultural awareness. They make a wider contribution to development by boosting academic disciplines that are important for the development of the partner countries involved.

The green transition, digitalisation and new healthcare initiatives

Many projects address common challenges and the role of the higher education sector – for example concerning the green and digital transitions, new initiatives in healthcare provision, and the role of universities in society and the economy.

Taken together, the 145 projects involve higher education stakeholders from 84 partner countries worldwide, and from 30 other countries participating in Erasmus+ (EU Member States or associated countries).

Some examples from the 2022 selection:

  • universities working with the non-academic sector on curricula for energy efficiency in the Western Balkans
  • climate-smart agro-entrepreneurship programmes in Eastern Africa
  • micro-credentials for lifelong learning in South-East Asia
  • improving social services for more inclusive and equitable higher education at universities in Latin America
  • supporting education in the medical emergency sphere using simulation and scenarios with Ukrainian universities

€613 million has been allocated for capacity building in higher education through the Erasmus+ programme for the 2021-27 period. These 145 projects will be funded with the first annual slice of this 7-year budget: there will be five more annual selections during this period.

Apply for the next round of calls in November 2022!

Interested in applying? The 2023 calls will open in mid-November. Check the Funding and Tenders Portal to apply.

Search for projects awarded before 2022

You can read more about Erasmus+ capacity building for higher education projects from before 2022 and their results on the Erasmus+ project results platform.


Note that final decision on these proposals is subject to the completion of the grant award procedure in line with the timeline indicated in the call for proposals and will be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal.

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) may, until the time that the agreement is signed, either abandon or cancel the procedure without entitling the applicants on this list to any compensation.

Veröffentlicht :  9 Nov 2022

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