Beyond Borders and Boundaries: 20 years of Erasmus Mundus
2024 marks the 20th anniversary of this pioneering initiative to jointly deliver higher education Master’s programmes with institutions across the globe.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are renowned for their academic excellence across the world. The programme’s 20-year milestone underscores how much it has positively impacted students, higher education institutions and countries within and outside the EU.
Almost 50,000 students have participated in Erasmus Mundus since 2004.
A celebration
An anniversary conference at the end of May brought together students, alumni, higher education institutions, policy makers and other groups from Europe and belong to celebrate Erasmus Mundus’ achievements and to reflect on the way forward.
At the event in Brussels, awards were handed out to some organisations and higher education institutions according to different categories, such as the oldest programmes or best posters according to audience vote.
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