58 new VET projects selected under first-ever capacity building call
The projects from the call "Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training" involve VET bodies from 75 countries around the world.

Erasmus+ is about much more than student exchanges. It stimulates cooperation between educational organisations from the EU and other associated European countries, and from other countries or regions of the world. Vocational Education and Training is one of the fields covered by Erasmus+.
Erasmus+ VET actions support people in getting the qualifications that are key for the labour market. They help to shape young people and adults into professionals. This role makes VET organisations well positioned to support other Erasmus+ and EU priorities on the green transition and the move to digital.
Over €21 million earmarked
In cooperation with VET institutions and organisations around the world, 58 new Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Vocational Education and Training projects have been selected, with a global amount of €21.3 million of EU funding. These come from a total of 93 qualitatively evaluated projects.
Note: The final decision on these proposals is subject to the completion of the grant award procedure in line with the timeline indicated in the call for proposals and will be published on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (F&TP). The European Education and Culture Executive Agency may, until the agreement is signed, either abandon or cancel the procedure without this entitling the applicants on this list to any compensation.
Supporting VET further afield
The new projects’ aim, as with the whole Capacity Building for VET action, is to support VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme to be more relevant, accessible and responsive. In turn they can act as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
Partnerships formed through the projects will enable
- organisations to learn from each other and enrich their VET practices
- all parties to strengthen VET education according to their needs
- interactions between the different partners in teacher training, exchanges of practices, and development or adaptation of curriculum
Example topics from this year’s selection
The proposed projects look to cover topics including
- stimulating green entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America
- strengthening resilience to man-made disasters in the Western Balkans
- increasing employability for women in South Mediterranean countries
- shaping digital culture in the Caribbean
After this year’s successful call for proposals, five more annual selections will be made.
Looking for the results of the call?
Once the contracts are signed, you’ll be able to see the list on the Funding and Tenders Portal.
Interested in applying under the next calls?
A web streamed info session for potential applicants will be organised on 7 December 2022 from 14.00 – 17.00 (CET – Central European Time).
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