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Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  3 Oct 2023

EWP Champions to drive digital transformation in European higher education

The Erasmus Without Paper (EWP) Champions is a new initiative showcasing the benefits of digitalisation for students, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and the European Education Area.

A group of people with their hands touching in the air

Erasmus Without Paper Champions are higher education representatives who play a pivotal role in promoting the digitalisation of Erasmus+ administrative processes.

They are part of the Erasmus Without Paper network, which is working to help higher education institutions manage their Erasmus+ student mobility administration more efficiently and securely online.

About the champions

Institutions were selected by the European Commission and digital officers in Erasmus+ national agencies.

They represent a diverse geographic scope and different systems and approaches to implementing EWP. They will act as ambassadors, showcasing the advantages of EWP through real case studies that illustrate the broader benefits of investing in digital - and lessons learned.

They have demonstrated a strong commitment to digitalisation, and gained hands-on experience that can help other institutions in their digital transformation process.

Meet the EWP Champions


EWP Champions share their successful practices in implementing Erasmus Without Paper and contribute to shaping developments based on their experiences.

Their contributions will also help to address technical and operational challenges by testing and in providing feedback on new features, building on the important consultative work of the EWP governance bodies.

The champions will also contribute to optimising Erasmus+ student mobility workflows for the future, taking into account their experience with the EWP approach.

Interoperability issues continue to be addressed, and the EWP community is seeing a steady increase in the number of digitalised inter-institutional agreements and learning agreements.

The EWP champions will support the whole higher education institution community in unlocking the full benefits of digitalisation for institutions.

Data tal-pubblikazzjoni:  3 Oct 2023

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