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Paskelbta:  9 Feb 2023

2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call attracts 65 proposals involving 500 institutions across Europe

The 2023 call submitted proposals bring us closer to reaching the European strategy for universities objective of 60 European Universities alliances established by mid-2024, involving around 500 higher education institutions across Europe.

A girl standing behind the logo saying European Universities

Driving systemic change through deeper cooperation

The European Universities initiative supports higher education institutions to achieve greater quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness. It promotes common European values and a strengthened European identity. The initiative does this by setting innovative and diverse models of long-term institutionalised cooperation between higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe.

The initiative is implemented under Erasmus+ through a series of calls for proposals. The latest (2023) call closed on 31 January. Results are expected in summer 2023.

Broad mobilisation of the higher education sector for the call 2023

The 2023 call attracted a total of 65 proposals for the two topics, gathering around 500 higher education institutions as full partners.

Topic 1 “Intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation”

  • 26 applications
  • 224 higher education institutions involved as full partners

Topic 2 “Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation”

  • 39 applications
  • 278 higher education institutions involved as full partners

In total, the call is covering

  • 26 EU Member States
  • 5 third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme
  • 4 countries from the Western Balkans

The figures show the continued commitment and interest of the higher education community in the roll-out of the European Universities initiative to support systemic, structural and sustainable transnational cooperation among diverse higher education institutions across Europe.


Paskelbta:  9 Feb 2023

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